Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Four cubs with tigress sighted in Dudhwa

I was in Dudhwa last week. I went there to attend a mock presentation which had to be given by 'Thumber Art' in connection with establishment of Interpretation Centre at Dudhwa. At evening we went to banke taal area in South Sonaripur range to sight a tigress who has given birth to four cubs few months back. Fortunately we could locate them. The four cubs were playing in grassland. The tigress was in side the tall grasses and did not come out. But the cute four cubs played amongst them for more than 30 minutes. It was a very interesting sighting. I had never seen four cubs together in wilderness ever before. Earlier I had seen two tiger cubs in Katerniaghat. This was amazing and a life time experience. I was fortunate enough to photograph them even in poor dusky light.
Photo-Four tiger cubs-Ramesh Pandey

1 comment:

Rahul said...

Pandey Saheb indeed it must have been interesting to watch the four cubs. Just when every where there is a negative vibe about the tigers, such sightings energises all of us to put in more effort and negate the thoughts of what is being termed as "the loosing battle".

Coming back to Dudhwa TR, it has always been my favourite with its fantastic example of terai and remains very close to my heart.

Not to forget the memorable day of my life when I saw - Bengal florican, hispid hare, swamp deer, cheetals, hog deer, barking deer, rhinos, porcupine, tigress with two cubs and a wild elephant - just in one day! unimaginable but the nature god was really meherbaan over us..

I also remember the days I spent with Brigadier Talwar at Katerniaghat and the sightings of dolphins, tortoises, gharials and crocs.. and again not to forget the tusker at badi beli whos picture is there at your blog who had intimidated us like anything while we crossed the beli on boat..

Really one life is just not enough..