Thursday, June 16, 2011

WCCB enlisting volunteers

Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) is enlisting volunteers ready to work with organisation for natural surveillance, capacity building and awareness etc. The application can be submitted by e-mail or by post in the prescribed format available on the Bureau's website.


avijit said...

Sir !! I'm very keen to enlist myself as volunteer!!

Anonymous said...


theres need for more awareness on institutions like WCCB to curb the menace of cruelties/illegalities against wildlife. the WCCB being so important institution needs to be sufficiently equipped with necessary personnel, modern machinery, equipment, resources to achieve the goal of protecting, preserving the country wildlife.

highly request for more info on the activities, role the campaigns undertaken of volunteers. can someone like me who is working in govt can register as volunteer. i am a huge wildlife enthusiast, active blogger giving various message, articles on wildlife. i apologize for a long comment.

Ramesh Pandey said...

Dear Avijit,
You may apply in the given format on the wccb website and submit either online or by mail.

Ramesh Pandey said...

Dear Reddy,
Thanks for your comments, which appears quite true. You may try and apply as per the guidelines wccb has advertised.

Anonymous said...

eco club gic dwarahat is working for the conservation of wild life by awarness prgrammes .we want to join your site . jamuna prasad tiwari eco club incharge gic dwarahat almora uttakhand

Anonymous said...

eco club gic dwarahat is working for the conservation of wild life by awarness prgrammes .we want to join your site . jamuna prasad tiwari eco club incharge gic dwarahat almora uttakhand

Anonymous said...

eco club gic dwarahat is working for the conservation of wild life by awarness prgrammes .we want to join your site . jamuna prasad tiwari eco club incharge gic dwarahat almora uttakhand