Billy was a legend in the field wildlife conservation. His zeal and passion for the tigers even in this age was simply unmatched. Billy was 94 and was ailing for quite some time. He use to live mostly in Tiger Haven near Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, Palia, Lakhimpur-Kheri.
Though there had been differences amongst the field wildlifers and conservationists regarding his way of rearing and preserving big cats in the past, but no one could deny his unbound support for the protection and conservation of tigers in terai and also his initial contribution in making of Dudhwa National Park.
I was fortunate enough to have interactions with him in last few years, particularly when I was posted in Pilibhit, Katerniaghat and Dudhwa (additional charge for one month). I met him many a times along with Mr. Naseem during my Dudhwa visits. I could always notice a spark in his eyes with any good news relating to tigers of terai; either it was breeding tigresses and tiger cubs in Katerniaghat or recovery of tiger population in Pilibhit or busting of any organised poachers gang in terai. He was always keen to know what is happening in the jungles of Terai particularly in Dudhwa. He used to have his own intelligence both on the health of the jungles and efforts of the park officials. He used to be very critical many a times particularly to after tiger death incidents.
He always felt very happy when some one met him to know about his views on tiger conservation and needs of hour in this field. Though he was unable to recall many of the past incidents coherently but his heart and mind were always rightly placed both for the tigers and terai conservation. We will certainly miss him.
He was a great admirer of tigers and terai; which I liked very much.
Billy!! Bid Adieu..
Photo: Billy narrating old stories and incidents (January 2006, Tiger Haven).
Tribute to Billy. In a very insenstive to forest life environment, these are people like him who are protecting wild.
Tribute to "Billy". I have heard about him when I visited Dudhwa. These days I have been traveling Katarniaghat for a study on ecotourism possibilities there. Mr R.K Singh, DFO Katarniaghat told me about his sad demise.
In true sense we have lost a Conservationist who has real attachment with forests and wildlife.
God Bless!!!
Debasish De
Senior Consultant
RC- NAEB, Ministry of Environment & Forests
Govt of India
Billy's demise is a huge loss for the Tigers & Forests of India.He was definitely one of a kind.And devoted his complete life unselfishly to protect Dudhwa and its denizens.The forests of North Kheri owe their existence to him. He will be sorely missed by all like minded people.
I have been following your work & blog Ramesh ..I think that you are doing a fantastic job in your own right ,and it is only people like you who can carry on the baton from Billy Arjan Singh..
thats an honest tribute--bang on. and you have got the character of the man-so upset and critical and fuming about what we were doing-and not doing--to the tiger. and wildlife..
i miss him. simply.
no one can narrate better anecdotes on DTR than Billy Saab!!!
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