Even 24 hours had not passed after the incidence of killing of man-eater leopard by the villagers in North Kheri division adjoining to the K’ghat, another leopard somehow came out of the jungle of Balsinghpur and entered in adjoining Nausar gumtiya village early morning on 9th May. It is not clear what actually happened but in a conflict 3 persons got injured in leopard attack. The villagers tried to corner and chase the animal but it entered in an open hutment. We all rushed to the spot and surrounded the area to save the animal. We put net (khabar) all along the open hut to avoid any further incident. Villagers were very furious and were demanding either to capture or kill the animal at once. It was a very difficult situation to tackle with. After some time local MLA Mr. Waris Ali and PCCF wildlife Suman sir also reached the spot. It was really a tough time. People were threatening to kill the animal and to set a fire.
I had never faced such situation earlier. My tranquillizing gun was in Kheri 70 km away and the iron cage was in Badkhadia (Katerniaghat range) 60 km far from the place of incident. I deployed teams to bring these two indispensable instruments as soon as possible. Mean while we planned to drive in the animal to the forests that was not more that 200 mts away.
The people were restless. Many a time the questions of the electronic media persons to the villagers fueled the situation and people started demanding the capture or killing of the animals immediately. In these situations local MLA was very helpful to us. He categorically said to the villagers that he would not go from the scene unless forest department captures the animal. He also requested villagers to assist us in the rescue operation and not to disturb unnecessarily. His words were very helpful to carry out the operation.
In the mean time the leopard entered in adjoining ‘kuccha’ room and was not visible from any angle. We surrounded the whole room with ‘khabar’ to avoid any further attack. Around 2.30 I got my tranquillizing gun and with due permission of Suman sir I loaded my gun with dart. The presence of Suman sir, on the spot, was a great source of encouragement for us. Not only he was guiding us but was very supportive in chalking out the right strategy. He immediately gave me permission to tranquillize the animal and encouraged me to carry out the operation.
Unfortunately I had only one dart to shoot the animal at that time. I reached to the spot and started locating the animal inside the 'kuccha' room. It was a risky work. I opened the walls of the 'kuccha' house at many places and put my head in to locate the animal in the dark room. From a sidewall finally I located the animal that was sitting between to wooden wardrobes. Only the head portion was visible that too at 25 ft away from me. I was not sure whether to shoot the animal or not to. I was judging the situation continuously. The cage had yet to arrive. People were restless. There expectations had gone up. I tried again to asses the exact position of the animal to shoot the dart but it was not fruitful at all. Suddenly I heard the sound of tractor and saw that the cage had arrived. I instructed MP Gautam range officer Motipur to put the cage at the mouth of the house care fully so that we could capture the animal if it escapes out. There was another thought that since the animal was too close hence to put the live bait inside the cage was also possible. Actually that was the thought for the situation when the tranquillization was not possible. I again reached to the sidewall and peeped inside the room and found that the animal is sitting at the same place and time-to-time it stares me with its read eyes when the torchlight is thrown. I decided to fire the dart from that place. The animal was 25 ft away from me and I fired the gun. After firing I saw that dart did not come out of the barrel. The fire sound was also less. Carefully I took my gun out and saw that the dart is hanging at the tip of the barrel. I understood that the pressure of the gas has gone down in the gun hence the fire got missed. I thought the luck had favored me enough and the dart had entangled at the tip of the barrel only. Had it been traveled a distance I would have lost my single dart without being used. I shivered and my heart was pounding. No body expect me was knowing what actually had happened. People thought I have missed the target. I immediately opened the gut and loaded the new pack of gas kit and did two blank fires to ascertain that the gun is properly powered and gas has entered in the chamber with full strength. I loaded the dart again with utmost care and decided to take aim. I again peeped inside the dark room. The animal was not visible this time. I threw the light inside but the could not see burning red eyes. I was desperate to locate the animal and to find right position to fire the dart. Suddenly the idea came in mind to locate the position of the animal from another sidewall. I told Gautam my range officer to put a cane ‘danda’ on the thatch wall and I started guiding him shouting him from the other side. I was almost hanging inside the dark room. The animal could have even charged. But there was no other option left. Gautam was putting the striking danda as per my direction and when the danda reached near to the animal it moved. I had got the exact location of the animal on other side of the wall. I reached to the other side and made a hope carefully. I found that animal was still sitting there and its body was very near to the wall. I cocked the gun and without thinking much and giving time to animal to shift from that place fired the gun through the hole. The gun fired with its full strength and dart entered in the body of the animal. The dart was visible from out side of the wall. I shook the dart to ascertain whether It has punctured the body or not. It was hanging with the barbed needle and blood has oozed out. I was sure that dart has hit the animal. Immediately the animal moved and left its position. It was again not visible from any of the holes, which I had made to locate. We shifted our position and made new holes in the front wall. Fortunately the animal was located and was lying on the heap of wheat grains. We put danda on it to know whether the drug is working or not. After 10 minutes I found that animal is loosing its control on its limb but still awakened. I had no option left except to capture the animal in this awakened situation only. Aftab Wali Khan, one of my retired and experienced range officer and myself made another hole near by and capture the animal from its tail. The animal tried to move away but it could not due to the effect of the drug. I took another risky decision and put my both hand inside the hole and quickly holding one of the hind limb of the animal pulled it out. Now the situation was better we were holding the tail and one hind limb of the animal. The animal again tried to drive away its body but we firmly kept holding the leg and tail. Again I put my hand inside the hole and pulled out the second leg of the animal. The back portion of the animal was now under our control. Animal was continuously trying to get released from out capture. Quickly we tied both the legs of the animal with rope and put iron cage near by. We passed the rope through cage, increased the size of the hole and pulled the animal through in a single stroke. The animal was inside the cage and in no second the door of the cage was down. The animal was awakened and sub conscious. I gave him antidote and poured water on its body. Every body was happy to see the animal in safe custody. Villagers and media persons surrounded the cage to see the animal. It was a full-grown female. Suman sir and MLA Mr. Waris Ali ji congratulate us for this rescue operation, which ended successfully. We brought the animal to Motipur range. It was normal and moving inside the cage. It was then sent to Lucknow zoo for observation and further treatment. We took sigh of relief. I was satisfied enough to save the life of the precious wildlife and of course of the villagers also. We could prove out commitment and efforts also in wildlife conservation. The incident also proved that if the public support is there then the situation could always be tackled in a better way. I am indebted to my DM and SP also who gave me full support to carry out the rescue operation successfully. My SDO Sri PK Sinha and Range Officer Katerniaghat MK Shukla needs special mention who tackled the mob from beginning to end.
Congratulations Rameshji on the successful ending of the operation with the even more successful result that the leopard was caught alive. After the recent episode were a leopard was burnt alive by the villagers , this rescue operation can be used as a model for both handling the mob of villagers and rescue of an wild animal.
Very few would endanger themselves and save an animal and I would like to thank you for showing the path for others to follow.
But some questions have been tickling my mind – why this sudden exodus of leopards from the forest? And what would be future of these animals being caught? I would request you to please elaborate on the same.
hello uncle....
First of all i wanna congratulate you from the core of my heart for giving a wondrous end to a very unmanageable operation of rescuing a leopard, and that to without caring about your own life(which is considered the most precious thing for any human being on the earth...)
Really uncle 'hats off to you' i was totally flabbergasted on knowing your love n concern towards these wild animals n the forest as well.
and this very incident in which you've done a commendable job vindicates its better .....
so keep up the good work...
n always shower ur blessings on forests n animals coz u r a blessing in disguise for them and an inspiration for everyone...
with best regards.....
priyanka singh
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