On 4th of this month a tiger got seriously injured in a road accident near Nainiha village in Motipur range of Katerniaghat Wildlife Division. The forest staff and officials were on their toes to rescue the tiger. The tiger was critically injured. He had serious
internal injuries in back portion,therefore, was unable to move further. He was sitting just below the newly upgraded Assam road which passes through the Buffer area of the Katerniaghat Wildlife Division. The tiger was not much agile but was trying to move further . For it he used to stand up after an hour or two but could never walk through.The most difficult task at that point of time was to tackle the mob who wanted just to see the tiger in an un-natural wild. It was a full grown tiger; healthy and fascinating as usual. The nearby villagers had surrounded the area and wanted to go nearer to the animal which was dangerous for the human life and harmful for the ailing beast. Our effort was to save the life of animal as well as of villagers. We had arranged all the required equipments on the spot like ropes, nets, khabar, bamboo, baits, tranquillizing gun, iron cage and sufficient workforce. Since the tiger was agile hence it was impossible to go near the tiger. It was not possible to rescue the animal by khabar or any thing else. It was decided to tranquillize the animal and rescue in iron cage. Next day early morning we started rescue operation with the help of Dr Utkarsh Shukla and tranquillized the animal with in two hours only. We started the treatment of the animal immediately and rushed to the Lucknow Zoo for further treatment where he could not fight the battle of life for a long time. Our all efforts went in to vain. It was a great loss for all of us. Despite our all best possible efforts the life of the tiger could not be saved.
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