Expressindia » Story
The wall of fame
Express news service
Posted online: Saturday ,
December 29, 2007
Tiger population going upWill the state make up for the big cats lost in neighbouring Rajasthan?
The wall of fame
Express news service
Posted online: Saturday ,
December 29, 2007
Tiger population going upWill the state make up for the big cats lost in neighbouring Rajasthan?
The year 2007 brought good news for the animal lovers in Uttar Pradesh. An effort that was started in 2006, finally bore fruits in 2007, with the number of tigers showing a rise in the Katraniaghat reserved forest sanctuary. According to a rough estimate, there are at least 50 tigers in this reserved sanctuary. The number has gone up by six in one year alone — all thanks to tiger track maintained by forest officials in the dense Katraniaghat range. Conceptualised by Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Ramesh Kumar Pandey (left) last year, a tiger track ensures an undisturbed movement for the big cat. First a track was identified inside the forest where frequent movement of tigers was recorded. It was then maintained properly and human and vehicular movement was restricted on it. “Tigers unusually move on a selected path and in case someone encroaches on it they get disturbed,” said Pandey. The tiger track also helped ascertain the actual number of tigers, as forest guards were deployed for the mapping of pugmarks throughout the year. Wildlife experts and forest officials have accepted the tiger track as a means to protect tigers. After Katraniaghat, tiger tracks were identified in the forest range of Nishangarha and Motipur range of Behraich district. Now, the Suhelwa range of Balrampur district is on the job.
(As published in Indian Express, Lucknow)