About 2 tonnes of ivory seized in Kenya recently in a joint operation of enforcement agencies and Interpol in Africa. The 'operation costa' was implemented in six south african countries in which 100 people were arrested. It was one of the biggest ever seizure in the history of south africa. It indicates that even after ban on trade in ivory the international demand persists and poaching of elephants is going on every where for its ivory.
Day by day the forests are getting fragmented. The corridors are being encroached for so called developmental and strategic needs. Human inhabitations are getting closure to natural habitats of giant animals resulting gory elephant-human conflicts.
The tigers and leopards overshadow plight of elephants and news like operation costa indicates, the problem persists globally. There is a need of total ban on ivory trade worldwide, which may reduce the demand of ivory at international level.
(Ivory photo: Interpol, reference www.ens-newswire.com/ens/nov2009/2009-11-30-02.asp)